Hello and welcome to our CoxHaven Limited website. We are a small family-owned company out of Salt Lake City, Utah selling fun, outdoor products for you to enjoy! Our hats have quirky quotes and fanny packs are back in style. Find backpacks and vintage tech products in the future and stay tuned for discounts and updates weekly.

We love supporting local businesses and hope you do too! Visit our store page here for available styles!








Stay tuned with us at CoxHaven Limited for new products, company updates, and discounts! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay in the loop or subscribe to receive our emails. Don’t worry, we only send an email or two a month and you can unsubscribe at any time. But I don’t think you’ll want to miss out, plus we’d love to connect and hear from you! 

If you’d like to send us a message, you can do so through our social channels or fill out our contact form here: https://www.coxhavenlimited.com/contact-us/ 

To shop our styles go to https://www.coxhavenlimited.com/shop-all/ 

And to read our past blog posts, you can visit us here: https://www.coxhavenlimited.com/blog/ 

– From our haven to yours!


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